Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is unsconciousness?

So I don't know the reasons that people start a blog. It may be because they want to share their inner thoughts and in turn to invite others to do the same. Or it may be because they want to learn other people's opinions. Or it may be because they want to feel connected with someone (regardless if they know that someone or not)....There are too many reasons (or should i say "urges") that lead people to create a blog.

For me, I guess it was a spontaneous decision to write a blog. Reading someone's blog who I've never met or known sparked something in me. That something was so strong and reactive, catalyzing my first time writing a blog. It was spontaneous because I don't know if I am going to keep this up after next month ( yes, I have the tendency to forget and abandon stuff...) and if I have enough time (with a full plate of other commitments...). I didn't plan. But I decided to do it anyway. It just felt right at the moment to start something, to make my first post, to let my unconscious thoughts free....

Talking about unconscious thoughts, I've always wondered about when exactly do those unconscious thoughts take over our minds. Late at night? Tiredness?...Can we really force ourselves to be drifted into the unconscious world where everything seems to be unfamiliar and incoherent. And are we making any sense if we enter to that world....

Oh! The clock strikes every 15 mins...So it's 1:30 now (being in college definitely pushes my sleeping time way into "am" portion of the day)....I think this seems to be the right place to end my first post (don't you think?)


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